24 January 2020

Catching Up with Jason Shawhan at this point...

Hey, readers (both of you). So, I'm currently sitting in Los Angeles at a friend's place trying to get my mind in order, and I've realized that I should collect some more stuff that I've written here so that I can increase some degree of awareness for what all I write... So here it is.

Celine Dion.
Here are two pieces I wrote about La Celine's Courage tour. The first is a preview of the show/thinkpiece about the artist and her legacy. The second is a review of the actual show itself.


The 2019 Jim Ridley Film Poll, which I helped organize and collate (and ended up puking up bile in the upstairs men's room at a beloved arthouse from anxiety). Note: The Apocrypha, which is the 18,000 words submitted that didn't make it into the final version, will be published on this website in a week or so.

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