09 January 2014

At the movies: Her.

So, I got to talk about what I widely consider to be the best film of 2013 for The Scene. There's some stuff I couldn't find a way to fit in completely (like the queerness of Chris Pratt's character, the economics behind the OS One launch, and how rather than children, the creative-minded reproduce through ideas which are exploited by higher-ups) which I will happily go into if asked. But give a read, and then see the film.

1 comment:

  1. As I read this, my first thoughts were of HAL9000 as a "disembodied" AI, then of the computer in War Games, then Blade Runner and Alien and Terminator, and Asimov's Robot books/short-stories, or on the humorous side - Douglas Adams' "hyper intelligent shade of the color blue." And so forth...

    Most depictions seem to suggest either fear of, or more complex ambivalence towards, AI. I'm curious to watch Her, as it sounds like a more positive spin on the AI theme. As with almost all science fiction, the technology, whether depicted as good or bad, is really there mainly as a vehicle to tell stories about the subject that actually draws us to most films and theater pieces in the first place: attempting to understand/explain the wonderful horrible existence we lead as human beings on Planet Earth.

    Thanks for the review. I'm always psyched when a good, near-t-o-life science fiction film comes out to make people think and talk as they leave the theater...
