24 July 2015

At the movies: Trainwreck.

Amy Schumer has made a great movie. And yes, Bridget Everett is along to spice things up, gloriously.

At the movies: Ant-Man.

Paul Rudd is Ant-Man. Peyton Reed does a good job, but we're all a little disappointed that we couldn't see the full-on Edgar Wright vision.

A Tribute to a dear friend.

The landscape of Nashville dance music culture changed irrevocably recently with Ron Slomowicz's move to Chicago. Having known him for what seems like an eternity (actually, since 1991), I talked to him for the Nashville Scene about his time here, the changing perception of the GLBT community, and landmarks devoured by progress. Take a look, if you will.

10 July 2015

At the movies: The Gallows.

I talk a lot about movies. Often I write that way as well. So occasionally, I like to try and Dogme things up a bit, and use an exacting word count to try and distill my thoughts on a film to the bone. So for this particular film, my editor and I agreed on 100 words. What do you think?