06 March 2015

At the movies: Maps to the Stars.

A new Cronenberg film is always a sign to rejoice. And this one is a humdinger, to be sure. Violent, moody, offputting, and relentless and bereft of pity- this is something very special indeed.

At the movies: Fifty Shades of Grey.

Yeah, I saw this. Better than you expected. Sam Taylor-Johnson rules, period.

Famous people talked to me: Paul Thomas Anderson.

I can't believe I never managed to update this. I've been adrift in some weirdness for the last few months, I mean, it happens to us all, but really...

At the movies: Portrait of Jason.

Something awesome that I for some reason didn't update in the miasma following the holiday insanity.

At the movies: The Boy Next Door.

Catching up with some stuff that I haven't updated as of late.